Yesterday we took Avery to make the rounds in Oxford to visit Jeremy's 3 grandmothers, Avery's great-grandmothers. First we stopped at Grandmother's (Mrs. Owens), where Avery found a new best friend. Grandmother got a new puppy, Suzie, actually Suzie is 3, so not really a puppy, but she's a Shiz Tzu, and she's tiny so she looks like a puppy. Avery LOVED her!!!! She would lick Avery's hand and Avery thought it was so funny. Of course I left my phone at home so I could only get some pics with my phone, so they are a little blurry.
Then we went to visit Mawmaw Thompson and Paw-Paw (Jeremy's Dad). Tiffany and the kids showed up, so we got to visit with them as well. Then we went to Jacksonville to visit Mawmaw Colley in the nursing home. Avery enjoyed Mawmaw's flowers. I pulled out a couple of daisies for her to play with and she was so funny. She was twirling them around as fast a she could. Such a ham!! I think Mawmaw was glad to see her. Please pray for Mawmaw, that she will make a quick recovery from her surgery. She fell and broke her femur last month & has had a rough time since.
Today I took Avery to the Dr because she screamed when I cleaned her ear (with a washcloth) last night. Then this morning it was crusty, so I knew something was up. Well, she has an infection in each ear and her left eardrum is perforated!!!!! UGH!!!! Poor baby!!!! She hasn't even been pulling at her ears. She had a low grade fever on Sat and was a little fussy, but I just thought she was cutting more teeth, b/c like I said, I never saw her pulling at her ears. Oh well, it is what it is, so she is now on anti-biotics (Augmentin) and some anti-biotic/steroid ear drops. Fun, fun!!!!
We are now looking forward to an Easter egg hunt this Sat, that they are having at the church we've been going to. Robin & Will and Logan & Addie are supposed to go also. Hope it's nice weather.